Thursday, July 29, 2010

Week full of nothing!

Truly. Nothing.

It's been a "nice nothing", unlike the nauseaus, annoying, exhausted nothing that we've done for the last 3 weeks. Major praise report: I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!!! I am SO glad!!!! Thank you for all the prayers!!!! God is good, all the time. This is the first week that I've felt better, and I've been taking major advantage of it, cleaning and resting, snuggling and playing, and catching up on life that I feel like I've totally missed out on for the last month. It feels good my friends, it feels good!

I've decided that, effective Monday, Jordan and I will submit to a schedule. Though we really don't have to do this, I've decided that it's the only way to keep things routine. I hate not being on the same schedule as Doc. He and I wake up literally 4 hours apart, which makes things so much more difficult all day long. Doc eats lunch 2 to 3 hours before we do while he's at work, so he's hungry for dinner at least 2 hours before us, and after getting up at 4:15 AM, he's definitely ready for bed at least an hour or so before I am. He's always told me that he doesn't ever sleep soundly until I come to bed, so for the last few weeks I've been laying down with him at 9:30. We read our bibles, hit the lights, and settle in, but I toss and turn for what seems like HOURS. Which makes me more exhausted the next day. I hate it! It's such a battle, and bless his heart, the man works really hard for us, and I feel like this is the least I can do to help better support him. I'll update you on how it goes!

I just finished a WONDERFUL book last night! It's called "Men Read Newspapers, Not Minds", by Sandra P. Aldrich. I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a litle marital humor as well as Christian guidance. Doc and I have been extremely blessed with a great marriage, tried and true. Reading books like this and monthly date nights (alone) are something that we both look at as "marital maintenance". Life gets pretty crazy sometimes and our home life is not something we're willing to sacrifice. Looking at the way God wants our marriage to be has completely changed our way of doing things, and seriously folks, just when we thought it couldn't get any better, along has come the best year of marriage we've had to date! We're thankful to serve a God that blesses us immensely when we do things His way.

Doc and I have a fun weekend coming up....which I'll write more about tomorrow! For now, I'm FINALLY feeling tired enough to join the hubby for some Zzzz's! Goodnight all!!


Katie Miller said...

I'll be getting that book for sure! Patrick and I have also been blessed with a great marriage but anything that helps keep that marriage as wonderful as always is a great idea to me! we are also lookin into that "laugh your way to a better marriage" DVD

MrsHenebry said...

Dude, that DVD is hilarious!!!! You would LOVE it!!!! We really wanted to do that series with our bible study group, but they did it a couple months before we joined :( There are SO many moments during it that you just can't help but laugh out loud, because it's SO TRUE!!!