Sunday, September 19, 2010

Weekend Wrap-Up

It's been a super low-key weekend around these about you?? Anything exciting this weekend? Doc and I (thanks to our fabulous neighbor) had a great date night on was a much different date night than we've ever had before, but it was so overdue and turned out to be one of our faves!! We're about 6 weeks out from moving right now, and we're trying to hoard every single dime that we can right now. We're determined to pay for this move outright, rather than putting it on credit cards and waiting for the military to reimburse us like most people due. We're Dave Ramsifying, and we don't want to use credit cards at all. That equals out to us throwing several hundred dollars out of every pay check into savings right now and basically spending nothing other than the essentials. (bills, groceries, gas....that's pretty much it!) It certainly doesn't make life fun right now, but the end will be worth the means. It's just a lesson in self-reliance, rather than relying on credit, and it's one that we want to tackle. We're not super credit card oriented, but we do have one and we do use it occasionally rather than saving and waiting to buy something that we want. That's a habit we are determined to break!

Anyway, all this considered, we had already set up childcare for Jordan for Friday night so that we could go out on a date. After much consideration, we decided not to spend the money on a meal out, even though it wouldn't have been much, it would have been completely against our principles in what we're trying to teach ourselves here. But the date WAS needed, so we had home! Jordan went to Miss Jenn's, and Doc and I hung out in the kitchen, cooked Baked Ziti, Caesar Salad, and Garlic Bread with Mozzarella together, lit the candles, turned down the lights, and had ourselves an absolute blast! We drank our favorite Crystal Lite pink lemonade out of our fanciest stemware, stole kisses as often as possible, and talked about "date night stuff"...the future, each other, child-raising, God, etc. It was awesome! And free!! I think this will become a tradition!

Yesterday we spent the day at a birthday party for some dear friends of ours' children, and we pretty much ended up just chatting with them well into the evening! Today was a great church day, and now we're getting ready to Skype with the Grandparents (and hopefully, fingers crossed, get a sneak peek at our new niece, AnamCara...and her Mommy and Daddy too of course!) Thank God for Sundays...this day of rest is much needed!!!

How was your weekend?? Anything exciting? Fun? Not fun? Anything we can pray for? I hope you all have a great upcoming week! We should (Navy willing) have a big update for you within the next couple days!!! Love you peeps!

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