Sunday, May 18, 2008

Today is the day that the Lord hath made!

Man, there is something about Sunday that just get's me all fired up! I LOVE IT! I love my church, I love the worship team, I love the sermons, I love spending time with Jordan all day just the two of us, and I LOVE SUNDAY! I'm so ready to have Doc here for our Sundays! Cookouts, beach trips, the zoo, it's all so much better with him! Either way, Sundays are so blessed and full of joy, and I hope you all are having a FABULOUS one!

Tonight is a most-special night for me. I am going to be baptized tonight! Until about 5 years ago I was under the impression that I had already been baptized as a baby. I had seen pictures of it and etc. Come to find out, I was actually only dedicated. I'm very glad for that, because it is my firm belief that baptism should be a personal decision. It is a decision that I have made! I am ready to publicly commit my life to the most-perfect will of God, and I can't wait to see what he has in store for us. I give all the thanks and glory to Him for all the things he has blessed me with in my life, and especially for the ultimate sacrifice he made in giving his Son so that we may be shown grace and mercy. I am going to be baptized at Sand Island Park, in the ocean. I think that is such an amazing concept, to be submerged in the body of water that God made, and be reborn to him at his hand. It is something I am really looking forward to! I wish my family could be here, and I really wish Doc could be here. However, this is something God is calling me to do now, and I know that everyone else is excited about it!

This week has been excellent! Last Sunday we celebrated Mother's Day with our friend Amy and her son James. We went to Waikiki for seafood, and spent the day just enjoying each other. Doc called that morning to wish me a happy Mother's Day :) It was so thoughtful of him to do! He said that everything is going good for him, and that he's absolutely ready to come home! That makes me happy. I know it sounds crazy, but these men train day in and day out for deployments. The time that they are deployed is the only time they feel as though they are ACTUALLY doing their job, so they look forward to it. It's good to know that home is still where his heart is :) (There never really was much doubt) :)

Today the island has been invaded by the falsely self-righteous idiots of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church. They are holding protests at all military installations, including the Marine Corps base where we are stationed, and Pearl Harbor/Pearl Harbor War Memorial sites about 3 blocks from our house. They carry signs that say "Thank God for Dead Soldiers!" and "D-Day: You Finally Got What You Deserved!" I have to say it's disheartening to see. However, the thrive of these people's very existence is attention, and for that I will pay them no bother.

Jordan and I are going to the gym everyday now, and getting back to the focus of my weight-loss goal! It's going to make for a very busy 4 months, and for that we are EXCITED! We will keep you all updated often! We love you all!! :)

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