Monday, April 14, 2008

Exciting times are near!!!

Well, I am SO excited to say that my parents will be here in less than 48 hours!!!! We have missed them so much!!! It's amazing to think how much has happened since we got stationed here! Jordan does a million more things then she did in Illinois, my Dad's foot has made a MIRACULOUS (thank you to God and all of you who prayed with us for that, by the way) FULL RECOVERY, my goodness my own mother hasn't even seen my beautiful engagement ring yet! It's just insane I tell you!!! But the craziness stops in 2 days, and Jordan and I cannot wait to have them! I am so happy for my parents that they have the opportunity to come here! They haven't been on vacation since the last time they were in Hawaii, in 1972 when my Dad was on R&R from Vietnam, almost 40 years ago! I already have a sitter lined up for 2 different days while they are here so that I can take them to an authentic Hawaiian Luau, and then also to go out to dinner for my Dad's birthday that I missed back in March. I can't wait to show them the base, take them to the beach, and just spend time together! OH it can't come soon enough!

This weekend I found a GREAT place to take Jordan! At Hickam Air Force Base they have ALL kinds of little-kid-friendly stuff! I've learned that there is a major difference between "kid-friendly" and "little-kid-friendly" and Hickam is definitely LKF, as I call it for short! I figure if the military can use acronyms for everything, I can too! LOL Anyway, they have a kiddie pool there where the water only comes up to Jordan's little knees, and its perfect to introduce her to the idea of a pool and swimming. The ocean is far too powerful for me to just let her run on her own near it, but this place is great! I walk around with her in the pool and I'm only a couple feet from her if she falls down and gets scared, but for the most part she can be independent in it! I am starting her in Mommy-and-Me swim lessons next month, so I figure that this will be a great introduction to that!

Speaking of Jordy, we had her 18-Month check-up today! She is doing fabulous! They said she's growing well, and her development is right on target! I am always so happy to hear that! She had a lot of fun and wasn't even too scared this time! She did, however, throw up IN MY EAR in the waiting room! MAN you're not a mom untill you've been through that, let me tell you!!! I guess I picked her up too fast or squeezed her too tight or something, because she wasn't sick, it was almost like a "wet burp". Disgusting is what it was! The pediatrician, however, found it QUITE amusing! LOL

Well I may not be able to update you all for a couple weeks while my parents are here, but I will have pictures of their arrival and visit as soon as I can!! I hope you all have a great week!

Monday, April 7, 2008


Have you ever had one of those days where you just need to stop, evaluate yourself, and then quite possibly just get back in bed and try again? Thats my day today! I'm just so annoyed!

I haven't been to the gym in a couple weeks, and I really think that ultimately that's what's bothering me. The first couple days that I didn't go I was running around like crazy to get things ready for Cara and Anna's visit, and then the rest of the time they were here. Last week I had a ton of stuff to do on base and my friend Monique came home from a long visit to the mainland, so we hung out alot. Today I was so excited to go, but Doc emailed me last night and said he was going to call our home phone today, so I waited for that. He didn't call, and needless to say I waited for too long and kind of missed my golden opportunity to hit the gym. (childcare purposes) When you incorporate strength training into your workout and you don't SEE massive results you really have to be persistent, and I feel so dissappointed in myself that I haven't been able to go. Running the household by yourself is hard, but I've always managed so well, and I just feel like this is my first defeat. I understand that no one can be perfect and have the perfect schedule and be able to do everything, but I really hate defeat. This motivates me to hit the gym hard tomorrow though...given that I don't wait by the phone all day. I just think that if Doc were here he would be so dissappointed in me :(

Jordan has went into an AWESOME new phase (totally sarcastic) of throwing fits. Now when I tell her "no" she growls and screams. Sometimes she even cries for a second or two. I knew this was coming, but I was hoping it could wait untill Doc got home! LOL She only does it about once every couple days, but I hate it! I want her to remain my sweet little girl that only wants to please her Mommy! For the most part she still is that girl, but GOODNESS when she is mad it is a whole 'nother story!

I've been getting kind of annoyed by alot of other random things, too. Its mainly nothing, just a lot of stupid things, like the way people say things, and etc. I think I just need a break from Jordan and my friends and everyone for just a little bit. So, I've prescribed myself a much-needed day of tranquility: More like 3 hours, but still! I made an appointment for Jordan on Thursday to go to the Hourly Childcare Center on base and use some of my "deployed spouses" coupons. I'm going to run a couple quick errands, and then go to the beach. By myself. And just lay there, and not think about one single thing for 3 long hours. I hope it does the trick! I'm sure it will! It just takes ALOT for me to be in a bad mood, and they never last long, I just hate it because its so abnormal for me! I need to nip it in the butt, NOW!

AND, I've also noticed that this blog is really helping me out more than I realized! As I read back through it, it looks like I have one of these "bad days" every I'm not as stressed out about today because I see that its perfectly normal! That's something to be positive about, right? At least if I'm going to be in a bad mood I can be justified in it! LOL I will talk to you all later! :)